Friday, March 17, 2006

Going to Kanazawa

It's going to be quiet around here for the next few days. Well, more quiet than usual. I'll be missing two days of training. We are going to Kanazawa for the weekend. It's the vernal equinox and I guess that's kind of a memorial day over here. We'll be going to the cemetary of J-pop's J-pop in the morning and then heading out on about a 6-7 hour drive. The daughter of Tokuji-sama lives in Kanazawa and her husband is a monk there. His temple is where we're having some kind of ceremony for J-Ma's father. The map is messed up but the red wording says Kanazawa. The words on the right says Tokyo. I live south of Tokyo. As you can see, it will be from one side of Japan to the other. I will see you in a few days!


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